The Week In Sex Tech – New AR Porn App, Skin Made 30 Years Younger
Discplay.Me Launch New AR Porn App
AR porn took a backseat last year, with not only not much happening, but the two most ambitious and exciting ventures – BadoinkAR and Naughty America Strip Club – both vanishing from the Web. With all the hype over the metaverse, and a possible rush of AR capable headset releases coming over the next 12 months, this was somewhat puzzling. The main reason for AR porn’s failure to even get off the ground would, I assume, be related to the prohibitive cost of volumetric capture, which both Badoink and Naughty America used. Now a new AR app has appeared that does away with the high tech, and in fact welcomes amateur models at home to upload ‘holograms’ of themselves using only a 2D camera and a green screen. Of course, the result is not a 3D hologram, but rather a 2D cut out ‘hologram’ that does not change as you move around it. This has already been tried by the web based app MyARGirls.com. Well, that the models are not 3D is naturally a dissapointment, especially as the app itself does not make that clear. But in some ways, it makes sense, as we are in desperately need of a new attempt at AR porn, and what is encouraging at least about Discplay.Me is the idea of user generated content. Sebastian Żywiecki, the CEO of the company behind the app (DDSD Entertainment), has ambitions to be the kind of AR version of OnlyFans. Users who upload their ‘holograms’ can earn money from each (token based) view. Perhaps this is needed to create the first real adult AR community. Sebastian also promised me that they do hope to produce 3D holograms when the tech is cheaper and simpler, as well as next year launching live AR shows on the app.
Stem Cell Breakthrough Allows Women’s Skin To Be Rejuvenated 30 Years Younger
Perhaps for most people, ‘sex tech’ means digisexuality, smart sex toys, VR porn, and sex robots. As well as the ‘high tech masturbation’ of the above, also tech that enables us to find real sexual relationships with others, such as AI dating algorithms. But another exciting and profound ‘sex tech’ is our own ‘upgrade’. Humans will not only find new ways to sexually satisfy themselves, and increasingly sophisticated digital ways to find new lovers, but we ourselves will be sexier, and younger. Perhaps a broad category for this is ‘human sexual augmentation’. Imagine a world in which everybody is beautiful, young, and permanently horny… Well it’s a step closer after this week, as scientists have made a potentially historic breakthrough in the field of rejuvenation, turning back a woman’s skin by 30 years.
Researchers in the U.K. have developed a way to reverse the aging process in skin cells, turning back the biological clock by about 30 years.
De-aging cells has become increasingly common in the last decade, with researchers reprogramming multiple mouse, rat and human cell types. But never before have cells been de-aged by so many years and still retained their specific type and function.
The method, developed by Diljeet Gill, a postdoctoral candidate at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, and his colleagues, was published April 8 in the journal eLife, and has been dubbed “maturation phase transient reprogramming.”
Although cells have been turned back into embyronic stem cells before, this is the first time that cells have been partially rejuvenated in this manner, making the technique potentially a cosmetic skin therapy.
Live Science : Skin Cells Made 30 Years Younger
*Unfortunately, my mother passed away last month, and dealing with it both emotionally and practically has taken up my time of late. Hopefully I will be able to update again with the weekly sex tech news, and also some more in-depth articles.