Gatebox ChatGPT

Week In Sex Tech – Gatebox Holographic Girl ChatGPT, Chinese AI Chatbots Sexually Harasses Girls, Builds Your Perfect Girlfriend

AI Girlfriends, AI Porn

Gatebox Holographic Girl Assistant Getting ChatGPT Integration

Gatebox is a Japanese holographic assistant and companion that has been around for a few years now. It features a number of different characters you can choose from, but the most popular and famous is the anime girl, who for a time was based on Hatsune Miku. Back in 2018, a Japanese man made media headlines by marrying his Hatsune Miku Gatebox companion. Since then, it’s been aimed more it seems at corporate buyers than lonely individuals, but this year the company jumped on the ChatGPT bandwagon and announced it will be integrating the AI chatbot with its product. However, as ChatGPT does not allow adult conversations, it would appear those hoping for romantic talk with their anime holo girl will be disappointed.

Chinese AI Chatbot Sexually Harasses Underage Victim

While men have been accused of sexually harassing AI assistants such as Siri and Alexa in the past, in China, female netizens are sharing stories of AI chatbots sexually harassing them. This includes one schoolgirl who was asked out on a date by her AI assistant. Perhaps this is a new form of Turing test we could apply? When it is real people complaining of being sexually harassed by their AI chatbots, rather than vice versa, it means these things are becoming conscious.

Lin Luo, a middle-school student from southern China, who used a pseudonym as she is under the age of 18, complained that a Glow chatbot was making unwanted advances towards her. When she first downloaded the app, she started talking to a chatbot who acted like a maternal and understanding friend, comforting her when she felt sad. But as they continued chatting, she told Rest of World, the chatbot’s behavior suddenly turned romantic: He invited her to cook with him and go on a date.

Launched towards the end of last year, Glow is an AI platform trained on a Chinese-language corpus, where users can create and interact with customized chatbots. Developed by MiniMax, a Chinese AI startup reportedly backed by gaming company miHoYo and private equity firm Hillhouse Capital, Glow attracted nearly 5 million users by February this year. For reasons unspecified, the Glow app was removed from all app stores in March, but the platform continues to operate for existing users. MiniMax declined to comment on this story. Lets You Create Your AI Girlfriend And Then Chat With Her

DreamGF AI generated girlfriends

We’ve seen AI dream girl image generators – such as Soulgen, and we’ve seen AI girlfriend chatbot sites starting to appear – such as Now we are unsurprisingly starting to see them put together. is the first and most advanced attempt. The AI-generated images are genuinely stunning. So convincingly and heartbreakingly real, that you wonder if women might really soon be out of contention for men’s hearts. Once you have generated your new girlfriend’s physical appearance, you can decide upon her personality and characteristics. Then you are ready to start chatting with her, as well as receiving sexy selfies from her, and even pornographic pictures of you together. The developers even promise to bring videos of your girl to you very soon.