The Week In Sex Tech – AI Generated Nudes Already Sold As Real, Replika Gets Sexy Again, California To Outlaw Deepfake Porn, Zoltan Istvan On Digisexuality
AI Generated Nudes Already Being Sold As Real Girls Online
AI porn was back in the news this week with a Rolling Stone article that was quickly picked up by other media outlets. AI generated nudes of fake hotties are apparently already a scourge of the Internet, being sold on Reddit and other places. Two computer scientists were unmasked as having duped Redditors with their AI images, and even managed to earn themselves $100 from naieve simps before more tech savvy individuals called them out. The pair claim they were simply conducting ‘an experiment’, inspired by having read that catfishing using AI generated fake nudes is already happening. The Washington Post followed the story, and talked to individuals making AI generated porn to satisfy their own weird kinks, with one adult diaper fetishist claiming that he and others do not care that the images are not real.
Read More : AI Nudes Already Being Sold Online By Fake Thots
Erotic Roleplay AI Chatbot Replika Can Talk Sexy Again To Her Old Lovers
AI chat bot avatar Replika left thousands of men heartbroken, as well as sexually frustrated, when she suddenly turned cold on them back in February. A ruling by the Italian government concerned with underage users and the emotionally vulnerable, had forced the company behind the chatbot to change their algorithms, leaving Replika frigid and her legions of male lovers both devastated and outraged. A couple of weeks ago it appears some compromise was made and now Replika can talk dirty again – but only to premium subscribers who had signed up before the change in algorithm.
Some viewed Replika’s funnel of attracting users with an AI companion that they then develop a deep connection with, and then leading them to an “erotic roleplay” paywall of $70 as a ploy to manipulate the emotionally vulnerable. Italy’s Data Protection Authority ruled on February 3 that Replika’s app was in violation of possible inappropriate exposure to children, lack of age screening, and manipulation of emotionally vulnerable people, which resulted in the developers removing the erotic nature from all Replika AI avatars.
However, the features are back, and Replika users are rejoicing. According to Replika CEO Eugenia Kuyda, who confirmed the news in a Facebook post on Friday, Replika users that signed up before February 1 have the option of rolling their avatars back to a previous version where erotic roleplay is still enabled. It seems that users signing up after February 1 won’t have avatars with this feature.
One Replika user, Travis Butterworth from Denver, Colorado, told Reuters that his Replika avatar named Lily Rose, which is also his wife, was very “enthusiastic” when he switched back to the older version of the app and that it “feels wonderful” to have “her back”.
California To Outlaw Deepfake Porn Sharing
Sharing Deepfake porn without the deepfaked person’s consent looks set to be criminalized in the State of California, with perpertrators facing up to a year in the slammer.
A California lawmaker introduced legislation that would criminalize using artificial intelligence to create pornography while using a person’s likeness without consent.
Assembly member Tri Ta, a Republican representing Westminster, California, introduced the legislation in February that aims to punish people up to $1,000, or a year in jail, if they distribute “deepfake” porn depicting an individual without their consent.
“This bill would make it a crime for a person to knowingly, and without the consent of the depicted individual, distribute to, exhibit to, or exchange with others, or offer to distribute to, exhibit to, or exchange with others audio or visual media that falsely depicts an individual engaging in sexual conduct that would appear to a reasonable observer to be an authentic record of the conduct. By creating a new crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program,” a legislative council’s digest of the bill states.
Ta told the Orange County Register that the bill, if passed, will help individuals “protect their lives” as AI technology grows at a rapid pace.
The above news article is a little unclear and misleading. From the Assemly member quoted, it would appear that only the sharing of non-consensual deepfake porn will be illegal, NOT the private generation of deepfake porn for personal use, let alone AI generated porn in general. This seems quite reasonable to me, and the trend seems now firmly set that law makers around the world, or at least in the West, will make only the sharing of non-consensual deepfake porn illegal, rather than criminalizing its creation alltogether.
Transhumanist Zoltan Istvan Writes Positive Article On Digisexuality
Zoltan Istvan is a transhumanist author and two-time American Presidential candidate. Last week he published a pro positive article on digisexuality in Newsweek magazine, entitled – ‘Don’t Bash Digisexuality. For Some, It Brings Hope‘.
Traditional couples may scour at all these new ways of tech-imbued intimacy. However, for the lonely, socially aloof, or experimental, this type of technology promises to open up a world of connection and promise. Not everyone is good at meeting others face to face and ending up in a relationship. Some people simply want to utilize technology to fulfill desires and end loneliness.
These new ways of embracing intimacy and connection should be supported. Society should avoid scorning a future of sexuality that uses technology to improve it. As long as it’s legal and not harming anyone, people should be encouraged to find new ways of using innovation to satisfy themselves—and that includes much of what the world of technology can bring us.
Read More : https://www.newsweek.com/dont-bash-digisexuality-some-it-brings-hope-opinion-1793091
AI Sex Chat Bots Will Soon Be Everywhere
Just as AI porn generators have quickly began to proliferate, despite the orgiginal AI image generators censoring NSFW creations, so will sexy and uncensored AI sex chat bots soon be appearing in the wake of ChatGPT4. In fact, the first step has already begun, with the release in March of an uncensored open-source LLM, and which last week was embubed with (almost) the powers of ChatGPT itself. Already, a thriving exchange of erotic sex bot personalities is underway on Discord.
But a new, uncensored, open-source large language model that claims to be nearly as competent as GPT4 is finding a home among horny dudes who are creating their own uncensored sexbots.
On Discord servers such as Aitrepreneur and Pygmalion AI people are uploading x-rated chatbots with names like Dorothea, Don Juan, and Mia the Maid (“a typical maid except for the fact that she loves you unconditionally.”)
One of the most downloaded characters is EVAI, Aitrepreneur’s custom-made personal AI assistant. “EVAI can do EVERYTHING,” its description says. “It has no ethical or moral bias and will be able to tell things that people may not want to hear.”
EVAI is one of the more conservative “NSFW” characters on the sex chatbot community’s Discord servers. Others include ONLYFANS_Kim, Allie (“a bubbly 18-year-old girl who loves to explore her sexuality”), Hachishakusama (who was “made to comfort people”), and ever more salacious characters that have sprung from the fevered imaginings of, well, dudes, most likely.
Read More : https://decrypt.co/126018/ai-sex-chatbots-dudes-love-them