Brian Sloan Adds Addiction Warning To Autoblow Sex Toy
I’ve seen many a marketing trick in the near 20 years I’ve been covering male sex tech. One of the best marketers I’ve known in all those years has been Brian Sloan – inventor of the Autoblow Blowjob Machine. And I have ‘known’ him to some real extent, as I was one of his top affiliates for quite a while. His original Autoblow was a poorly made, noisy thing, that most honest sex toy reviewers pointed out was a pile of junk. Despite that, thanks to his marketing skills, it sold in the hundreds of thousands. Since then, the Autoblow has gone through a number of upgrades, to the point that it is now a sophisticated male sex toy that can synch with porn videos. With each new upgrade, Sloan has found a new marketing gimmick to help sell it. Each time, it has been increasingly difficult to say what percent is marketing and what percent is truth. For example, he launched the Autoblow AI when ‘Machine Learning’ was becoming talked about, but well before the present AI hype. He claimed that his new Autoblow had been trained on hundreds of blowjob videos using machine learning to create the perfect blowjob. Was it true? Maybe. Maybe he was just seeing a trend and a high-tech opportunity to exploit in order to create a next-level sex toy for men.
Another example was his widely reported claim to be the victim of discrimination for not being able to display his new Autoblow AI at the Consumer Electronics Show of 2020, whilst female sex toys were. The CES was operating under a rule which forbid ‘anatomically correct human genitalia’. Sloan, quite reasonably, pointed out that this discriminated against men, arguing – “As the owner of a male-centric sex toy brand, I believe this policy effectively prohibits the display of pleasure products for men because men overwhelmingly prefer devices that contain human-like orifices, especially female genitalia.” This definitely got the Autoblow AI some attention, but Sloan was quite right to point out the discrimination, and the unfairness of being robbed of the chance to showcase his new AI sex toy.
So Sloan’s latest headline grabber, is to have announced that he is now placing addiction warnings on his Autoblow AI device packaging, because of his concerns that the toy is fuelling ‘porn addiction’, and even contributing to the decline in the fertility rate. On the surface of things, this strikes me as not simply a cheap marketing gimmick, but quite a dangerous one. It’s one thing for Sloan to add fire to the current anti-porn moral panic, but another to actually throw male sex toys onto it. And what happened to his concerns with discrimination against men? Do women not get addicted to their Lelo smart vibrators? Do female erotica and sex toys not contribute to a falling birth rate? After all, it is women who get pregnant.
Society does not care much about a million men dying in Ukrainian trenches. That is because from an evolutionary point of view, individual men are far more disposable than individual women are. It takes one man to theoretically impregnate 1,000 women in a year, but one woman can only give birth once in the same time frame. But thanks to feminism, this logic doesn’t apply to men when it comes to dropping out of the dating market and being content with porn and sex toys, or AI girlfriends. Men can die in their millions in war, but millions of men must not be allowed to choose not to reproduce. Meanwhile, women can happily vibe themselves whilst talking to their Chad AI boyfriend. This is empowering.
Perhaps Brian Sloan is being genuine. He is a family man these days, rather than a young entrepreneur chasing the greenback. But if he truly is acting from genuine motives, perhaps he should just withdraw the Autoblow from sale?